his routine was one of the most challenging routines I've ever performed primarily because I'm conditioned as a fast-twitch/low-rep lifter and the oxygen debt and lactic acid build up was very intense and brought about an entirely different kind of pain that completely robbed my body of energy. This type of training is referred to as deep water training by many strongman enthusiasts who commonly perform heavy lifts to exhaustion.
Needless to say, I achieved my best fullness and conditioning to date and won my pro card as a result of this training.
Rep-Based Reckoning
Use these guidelines to build your own pro-sized set of quads, a la Stan Efferding
Exercise Sets/Reps
Leg Extension 4/20
Leg Press 3/20*
Hack Squat 3/20
vWalking Lunge 3/20 steps
vWalking Lunge 3/20 steps
Step-Ups 3/10 (each leg)
Rest 90-120 seconds between all sets.
Squat down between sets to stretch working muscles.
*After reaching failure on the final set, lower the weight by 20-30% and perform an additional set of 50 to failure.EVERYDAY NEW POST!SHARE AND LIKE! ^__^
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