неделя, 30 март 2014 г.

His & Hers Workout


Though we’d all like to keep fit year-round, life sometimes dictates that we organize our physique goals by seasons. More often than not what this leads to are lapses in lean – stretches of time when you feel like it’s okay to be a little doughy. You want to get lean for summer , gain strength in the winter. If the calendar dictates your fitness goals, we’d urge you to look at the calendar today. You’ll notice that Valentine’s Day is only weeks away. Don’t panic. This isn’t a time to invest in baggy shirts and surrender to Cupid’s coming barrage of chocolatey confections. This, friends, is the season of romance – one that favors the well-built and hard-bodied. And we’ve got the program to get you there.
For those of you in relationships, this program will serve as a intimacy-builder. Not presently attached? Getting fit quick can serve to remedy that. Got someone in your sights? Invite them to share this workout with you for a few weeks to see if any sparks fly.
This workout calls for you and your sweetheart to hit the iron together, allowing you to share in the work, not just the rewards.
By training together, which is not always common, couples get to spend a little extra time together leading up to Valentine’s Day. Since one person is usually more into working out than the other, this also allows the less enthusiastic person to share in something that’s very important to the other. Worst-case scenario is that both parties end up looking better for Valentine’s Day. Best case is that they become permanent workout partners.
This program contains two dedicated workouts – a push day and a pull day – that couples can do together to build muscle to burn fat but it is bolstered by days that call for individual, detail-oriented work. The program includes gender-specific workouts that address areas of greater concern for each: guys will do a little extra work for arms, while gals will tackle a few more moves for their hips and glutes.
An optional “challenge day,” replete with both high-intensity and static moves, is presented to add a little friendly competition to the weekly schedule.
Let this be the year that you add Valentine’s Day to your seasonal rotation of get-fit missions.

събота, 29 март 2014 г.

Wednesday (Delts + Abs)

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Wednesday (Shoulders, Traps + Abs)

 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
Bent-Over DB Lateral Raise3/8-10 4/10-12       5/12-156/15-20
Dumbbell Lateral Raise3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Dumbbell Front Raise3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Dumbbell Shoulder Press3/8-10*4/10-12*5/12-15*6/15-20*
Wide-Grip Cable Upright Row           3/8-10*4/10-12*5/12-15*6/15-20*
Dumbbell Lateral Raise3/8-10^4/10-12^5/12-15^             6/15-20^
Smith-Machine Back Shrug3/8-104/10-12                5/12-156/15-20
Smith-Machine Front Shrug3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Reverse Crunch3/15-254/15-255/15-256/15-25
Cable Crunch3/12-154/12-155/12-156/12-15

петък, 28 март 2014 г.

                                                             EVERYDAY NEW POST!SHARE                                                                           AND LIKE! ^__^
Tuesday (Quads, Hamstrings + Calves)

 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
ExerciseSets/Reps         Sets/Reps       Sets/Reps       Sets/Reps
Leg Extension3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Cable Romanian Deadlift3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Barbell Squat3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Unilateral Leg Press3/8-10*4/10-12*5/12-15*6/15-20*
Leg Extension3/12-154/15-205/20-256/25-30
Leg Curl3/12-154/15-205/20-256/25-30
Seated Calf Raise3/12-154/15-205/20-256/25-30
Leg-Press Machine Calf Raise         3/12-154/15-205/20-256/25-30
*Do an equal number of reps with each leg. Don't rest until you complete all sets. 

четвъртък, 27 март 2014 г.

B.L.E.N.D. Workout

B.L.E.N.D. Weight-Training Ingredients 

Super-intense training sessions include pre-exhaustion, tri-sets, drop sets and other shockers to keep your muscles guessing and growing.
Training volume starts high and climbs from there. Reps are particularly high, causing greater blood flow and hence a pump to the working muscles. Not only will this make you appear bigger during the workout, but it initiates long-term growth afterward.
Each muscle gets a full week to recover.
Workouts begin and end with isolation exercises.
Rest should be no fewer than 60 and no more than 90 seconds between sets.
Monday (Chest + Abs)

 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
ExerciseSets/Reps       Sets/Reps       Sets/Reps      Sets/Reps
Cable Crossover3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Dumbbell Bench Press3/8-104/10-125/12-156/15-20
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press          3/8-10*4/10-12*5/12-15*6/15-20*
Incline Dumbbell Flye3/8-10^4/10-12^5/12-15^6/15-20^
Hanging Leg Raise3/12-154/12-155/12-156/12-15
*Make the last set a drop set by reducing the weight 25% 

вторник, 25 март 2014 г.

7 Reasons You're Not Getting Bigger

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1. You Work Out Alone All the Time
Researchers from Kansas State University found that people who train with someone who is more skilled but didn’t go overboard with vocal encouragement worked out for longer periods of time.
“Social facilitation is the body’s natural ability to perform better when someone else is present,” says Linkul. “That is one of the most valuable reasons for having a partner or personal trainer, or training in a small group.”
2. You Have No Specific Goal
When you feel like you have nothing to work for, you may be inclined to skip reps, omit sets or otherwise dog an entire workout. Giving yourself a specific goal to conquer—lose five pounds in three weeks or add an inch to your biceps in a month, for example—can feed motivation to bust through boredom and plateaus. Additionally, accomplishing your objective will be a confidence booster.
“I often pick two workouts that I call ‘challenge workouts,’ where I know I’m going to push myself hard enough to require maximal loads or efforts,” Linkul says. “Two other days are going to be ‘pure strength’ days where I work with weights I can handle on my own but are still a struggle. Finally, I do one or two days where I’m performing auxiliary exercises that do not require maximal efforts, loads or a spotter, but that still allow me the opportunity to make improvements.”
3. You Don't Vary the Mode and Intensity
If you can’t recall the last time you completely shifted gears with your workout method, it’s time for a change. Administering techniques like supersets, tri-sets, ascending sets, descending sets, pyramid sets, or band training can help break the monotony of your workouts while keeping your body guessing. “A simple suggestions is to never repeat the same workout twice,” adds Linkul.
4. You're Not Changing the Format
The body is an adaptive organism, so you have to stay one step ahead of it to continue to see progress.
“Provide constant change to the body and the body will constantly be challenged. Challenge, or overload, produces change, or adaptation,” he says. “On average, two to four weeks of a similar program design format followed by a short rest period and a change to the format should produce gradual growth and improvement.”
This might include swapping barbells for dumbbells or kettlebells, doing circuits or focusing on unilateral movements for a period before moving back to bilateral movements.
5. You Don't Keep a Training Log
Tracking your progress can help you pinpoint areas in your training that are problematic. “Track it all—workout volume, food intake, how you felt pre- and post-workout and how difficult the workout was on a 1 to 10 scale. Reflect back on your workout log often for an update on your progress,” Linkul suggests.
6. You Don't Eat Enough Carbs
On top of providing you with enough energy to blast through a hellish workout, carbohydrates are also responsible for things like regulating the amount of blood sugar and ensuring the brain is receiving enough glucose to function optimally.
“Eating a mix of complex and simple carbs about 30-45 minutes before a workout should allow for more energy throughout the workout,” he says. “And you should consume your required grams of protein within 30 minutes after you’ve finished the workout. This will assist in rebuilding the damage done—good damage—to your muscles during the workout.”
7. You Don't Get the Right Amount of Sleep
You’ll be more energetic, mentally sharper and less cranky if you get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Getting less than that can affect muscle and tissue recovery. Read: No gains for you! Another perk to hitting the sack earlier: sleep-deprived people gain more weight. A study performed by researchers from the University of Colorado found that less sleep leads to consuming more carbohydrates and post-dinner snacks.

понеделник, 24 март 2014 г.

Ultimate Starter's Guide 2014

1) Form the Habit

Many new lifters drop out early because they never really create ate a habit of training. “Researchers discovered that it takes on average 66 days to form most habits, especially habits as complex as working out,” says fitness model and Optimum Nutrition athlete Kelechi Opara. “This means that if you started on January 1, then March 6 is the time frame the new habit of training should start to stick—not January 21, or three weeks, as most people think.” And it does get easier.

2) Focus on Technique

“Initial strength gains are neurological, meaning you get better or more coordinated at the lifts you’re training,” says Josh Bryant, M.F.S., C.S.C.S., P.E.S., owner of joshstrength .com. “Strength gains via increased muscle size come later, so it’s important to build technique. Not only will you get stronger and avoid injury, but you’ll also get more muscular because you’ll lift more.”

3) Don’t Skip Leg Day

Focusing solely on arms and chest can be a crucial mistake that severely limits how much total muscle you can add. 
“Training legs will help stimulate muscle growth in the rest of your body,” says fitness model Mehmet Edip. “Legs are the biggest muscles in the body, so when you train them hard, your body releases large amounts of testosterone and growth hormone (GH), which aid muscle growth.”

4) Eat Often Enough 

Far too many beginners try to gain muscle while keeping as lean as possible, which is incredibly difficult to do. A better bet is to focus on getting enough clean sources of lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats throughout the day to maximize recovery from your new workout schedule. “This will help keep your metabolism up while still allowing you to gain muscle,” Edip says. As a beginner, your focus should be on powering your training, not on restricting feedings for the sake of getting lean.

5) Sleep

Beginners have a tendency to go pedal-to-the-metal on training and nutrition, but one of the first things to fall through the cracks is adequate sleep. “Sleep is the secret to growth,” says Eric “the Trainer” Fleishman, a Hollywood-based fitness expert and M&F advisory board member (ericthetrainer.com). “All of your physical change occurs during slumber.” As you sleep, GH levels peak to aid in the repair of the muscle you damaged at the gym. It is generally recommended that you get seven to nine hours a night to maximize growth.

6) Listen to the Experts

“One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners making is not sticking to a program designed by a professional,” says Justin Grinnell, C.S.C.S., owner of State of Fitness (mystateoffitness. com). “They read about the next best thing and want to start it the next day in hopes of making faster progress. Unfortunately, they become disappointed with no results and more frustration.” Listen to men who’ve done it before, and steer clear of fads.

7) Be Prepared to Adjust

We wear this phrase out here at M&F: For a beginner, everything works. But nothing works forever. The key to continued growth is keeping your body guessing. Once your body acclimates to a particular stimulus, it be- comes reticent with new muscle and stingy with body fat. “Many new lifters see strength and muscle growth, simply from the new physi- ological stimulus of lifting weights,” Grinnell says. “After the initial six to eight weeks, you not only have to change your program in order to make gains, but you also need to take a serious look at your food and supplementation plan.”

8) Keep it Simple

Rob MacIntyre, C.S.C.S, spends most of his days training WWE wrestlers and world-class athletes. But even they, at one time, were beginners. And one particular problem that arises with beginners, he says, is the desire to do it all. “It’s very easy to get crushed with the amount of information that’s available these days,” he says. “In the beginning, keep your programs basic. Become proficient at a few key exercises that work lots of muscle. It’s much easier and faster to learn the correct way at the beginning than to try to correct them after you’ve been doing them wrong for years.”

9) Write it Down

“Everyone should keep a training journal, but this
is especially important for beginners,” MacIntyre says. “Were those 25s on the bar or 35s? I remember doing 150 pounds that set, but did I count the bar? Writing it down makes it easy to know what to do next time and to see your progress. I have people also make note of their pains, mental state, and sleep levels around the workout because it helps give them the whole story. When someone asks you about your workout, you can just show them. It’s also inspirational to look back at training journals from years past to see how far you’ve come.”

10) Pace Yourself

When getting started—or getting back into it—it’s easy to let zeal overtake you. Because progress is rapid in many cases, it’s understandable that you would want more, faster. This can shatter both your will and your body, leaving you worse off down the road.
“I see terrible form in gyms all the time,” MacIntyre says. “And you don’t need to do something just because some- one else is. Building your body is a slow process. Don’t rush it.”

11) Revisit Motivations

Greg Chertok, M.Ed., C.C.- A.A.S.P., sport psychology consultant at Telos Sport Psychology Coaching (telos-spc.com), suggests you reevaluate your original motivators from time to time.
“Research suggests that intrinsically motivated exercisers experience more positive effect than those who are extrinsically motivated,” he says.

12) Don’t Skip the Small Stuff

A group of activities, collectively known as pre-hab, can help keep you injury-free. Research shows that dynamic warm-ups—which focus on range-of-motion activities
like arm circles, knee hugs, and jumping jacks—are more effective than static stretching. Foam rolling has also been shown to increase mobility and circulation.

13) Branch Out with Supplements

If you’ve been forgoing supplements to this point, now is the perfect time to start. Optimum Nutrition’s pre-workout supp, simply called Platinum Pre-, is a basic blend of aminos and stimulants that can immediately add intensity and focus to your workouts. The tandem of 100% Whey Gold Standard and 100% Casein Protein rep- resent two of the purest forms available today.

събота, 22 март 2014 г.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares His Best Shoulder-Training Tips

Get Creative With Your Presses

Most people vary their shoulder training only when it comes to lateral raises - they'll do front-, middle- and rear-delt raises with dumbbells and cables, from different angles - but when it comes to presses, they mainly stick to barbells and dumbbells. There are many other versions of overhead presses that you should work into your delt routine, such as the Smith machine overhead press, Arnold press, both in-front-of-the-head and behind-the-neck overhead presses (using a barbell or a Smith machine) and standing overhead barbell or dumbbell presses (military press).

Utilize Rest-Pauses on Presses

As intensity techniques go, I think drop sets and supersets are great when doing front-, middle- and rear-delt raises. On overhead presses, however, my favorite technique is the rest-pause. The reason behind this is with rest-pauses, you never have to lighten the load - you start with a heavy weight and stick with it for the whole set. To refresh, here's how to perform rest-pauses: Pick a weight for a Smith machine overhead press with which you can do about six reps. Do a set of 4-5 reps, rest 15-20 seconds, and then do 2-3 more reps with that same weight. Rest another 15-20 seconds, then do another 2-3 reps. At that point, you'll have done 8-11 reps with a weight with which you could normally do only six. These tips will help spark growth in your shoulders, so give them a try next time delt day rolls around. Follow your pressing moves with high-intensity laterals and you'll have the best of both worlds: size and definition.

Shoulder Workout Routine

This workout emphasizes going heavy on your first two exercises, and it's ideal for building massive delts.
Smith Machine Overhead Press45-6*
Arnold Press410,8,6,6
Barbell Upright Row38-10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise310-12
- superset with -
Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise310-12
* On your last two sets, perform 2-3 rest-pauses.                                                                      EVERYDAY NEW POST!SHARE AND LIKE! ^__^

6 Bodyweight Moves for Bigger Quads and Leaner Abs

While performing the side plank raises, you want to distribute the weight on the entire full arm at full extension with one foot on top of the other. At the top, your spine should be straight. Then, lower your hip down to the floor to perform and reverse the movement to return to the starting position for 10 total reps.


Exercise                                          Reps
 Jump Squat                                    10
   Lying Leg Raise                           20
Alternating Lunge                            10 (each leg)
  Side Plank Raise                         10 (each side)
   Mountin Climber                          20 touches
          Crunch                                   20
--Repeat entire circuit five times.
--No rest between exercises or circuits.
--You may use dumbbells on the lunges, if desired.


четвъртък, 20 март 2014 г.

Training Tips for Gaining Lean Muscle

Hi guys!
Vary Your Strength Qualities
While it’s true that sets in the 8 to 12 rep range are very effective for gaining muscle, keep in mind that your body is an adaptive organism that needs to be challenged to change. So rather than sticking with a set and rep scheme for the entire season, consider doing some lower rep strength work for 4 weeks as well as some higher rep (20-30 rep sets) strength-endurance work for a training block. The variety can help stimulate muscle growth.

                                        EVERYDAY NEW POST!SHARE AND LIKE! ^__^

сряда, 19 март 2014 г.

Chain Dip Tip Sheet

■ Most chains weigh 30–60 pounds. Use one you can get at least eight full reps with.
■ If you can get more than 15 reps, use a heavier chain or add a second one.
■ Make your final set a dropset. Get as many reps as you can, shed the chain, then keep going weight-free.
■ If you’re strong enough, you can do multiple drops, shedding a chain each time you reach failure, before ending with only your body weight

Warren's Chest Routine

Incline Barbell Press38-10
Bench Press38-10
Dumbell Bench Press38-10
Cable Crossosver312-15
Chain Dip320-25

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вторник, 18 март 2014 г.

Crafting Bigger, Stronger Quads

his routine was one of the most challenging routines I've ever performed primarily because I'm conditioned as a fast-twitch/low-rep lifter and the oxygen debt and lactic acid build up was very intense and brought about an entirely different kind of pain that completely robbed my body of energy. This type of training is referred to as deep water training by many strongman enthusiasts who commonly perform heavy lifts to exhaustion. 
Needless to say, I achieved my best fullness and conditioning to date and won my pro card as a result of this training. 

Rep-Based Reckoning

Use these guidelines to build your own pro-sized set of quads, a la Stan Efferding
Exercise                       Sets/Reps
Leg Extension                4/20
Leg Press                       3/20*
 Hack Squat                   3/20
vWalking Lunge            3/20 steps
Step-Ups                       3/10 (each leg)

Rest 90-120 seconds between all sets.
Squat down between sets to stretch working muscles.
*After reaching failure on the final set, lower the weight by 20-30% and perform an additional set of 50 to failure.EVERYDAY NEW POST!SHARE AND LIKE! ^__^

понеделник, 17 март 2014 г.

28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan

Day One

Meal 1
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal (dry amount) made with water
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 6 egg whites cooked with 1 yolk
Meal 2
  • 1 cup green vegetables
  • 8 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
  • Tuna sandwich made with 6-oz. can tuna (in spring water), 2 slices whole-wheat bread, 1 Tbsp. fat-free mayo, 2 leaves romaine lettuce
Meal 4
  • Protein shake made w/ 40 g whey protein
Meal 5
  • Chicken salad made with 8 oz. chicken breast, 2 Tbsp. Italian dressing, 1/2 medium tomato, 2 leaves romaine lettuce, 1/2 cup broccoli

1,817 calories, 255 g protein, 98 g carbohydrate, 37 g fat, 20 g fiber

Day Two

Meal 1
  • 1 medium bagel with 2 tbsp. reduced-fat peanut butter
  • 6 egg whites cooked with 1 yolk
Meal 2
  • 1 cup brown long-grain rice (cooked amount)
  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 6 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 6 oz. lean steak
Meal 4
  • Protein shake made w/ 30-–40 g whey protein
Meal 5
  • 8 oz. red snapper or halibut
  • 1 cup broccoli

1,959 calories, 254 g protein, 132 g carbohydrate, 39 g fat, 17 g fiber

  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 6 oz. lean steak
  • Large baked potato with skin (3-–4" in diameter)
Meal 4
  • Low-carb, low-sugar protein bar
Meal 5
  • Omelet made with 8 egg whites and 1 yolk, cooked with 1/2 cup broccoli, 2 mushrooms, fresh salsa

1,862 calories, 226 g protein, 149 g carbohydrate, 35 g fat, 23 g fiber

Day Four

Meal 1
  • 1 cup whole-grain cereal
  • 1 cup 1% milk
  • 1 piece fruit
  • 1 Tbsp. peanut butter
Meal 2
  • Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 6 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
  • Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 6 oz. lean steak
Meal 4
  • Protein shake made w/ 30-40 g whey protein
Meal 5
  • 16-oz. can tuna (in spring water) made with 1 Tbsp. fat-free mayo
  • 6-8 stalks asparagus

1,984 calories, 226 g protein, 200 g carbohydrate, 29 g fat, 28 g fiber

Day Five

Meal 1
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal made with water
  • 7 egg whites cooked with 1 yolk
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
Meal 2
  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 8 oz. chicken breast
Meal 3
  • Large baked potato with skin (3-4" in diameter)
  • 1 cup green veggies
  • 8 oz. sliced turkey
Meal 4
  • Protein shake made w/ 30-40 g whey protein and 1 cup berries
Meal 5
  • 7 oz. lean steak
  • 6-8 stalks asparagus

събота, 15 март 2014 г.

Maximize Your Gym Time

Everyone would benefit from 30-hour days. Although we can't add more hours to the clock, there are some tricks you can do at the gym to maximize your results and minimize the time you spend there. As opposed to popular belief, you don’t have to spend endless hours at the gym to get results.

Get the most bang for your buck

When you have to hit one particular muscle group, look for an exercise that can give you the most effective stimuli. Goal-oriented gym trainees get the most results. They choose training that will get them to their destination faster instead of just going with the flow of things.
For example, when building a program, I always choose a pull-up rather than a simple lat pulldown. The overall nervous and muscular demand of the pull-ups is much greater than the seated high pulley pulldown. Pull-ups also recruit your abdominals more than a simple Swiss ball crunch. A great pull-up session will always leave you with sore abs. Another example would be to substitute the barbell bench press with dumbbells. It's subtle, but the dumbbells offer a greater demand on the nervous system because of the instability of each arm compared to the bench press. They also allow a greater range of motion. Using compound exercises hits chains of muscles functionally, the way they are supposed to work.

A list of compound movements

Legs and lower body

Split squats

Upper body

Pull- or chin-ups
Bench press
Bent-over barbell rows
Overhead press

Full-body and technical lifts

Olympic lifts
Deadlifts and all its variations

Supplement your results

Most people think that using a supplement makes them "not natural." Well, the movements from weightlifting aren't natural either, but they are still beneficial. What we need to understand is that we are all different, hence, different needs. Some people might have a hard time recuperating after tough workouts. Some people need a kick in the butt before they workout.

сряда, 12 март 2014 г.

Explode Your Guns with this Biceps Blasting Method

Method: Escalating ladder with IGYG (only rest when the other partner is lifting)
Load: Around 70-75 % of your 3RM for barbell curls
The load on the bar will remain the same throughout all sets. As the reps increase, so does the rest periods for each lifter. Lifter A will perform Set 1 and then Lifter B will perform Set 1. Then the bar will immediately go back to Lifter A to start Set 2 – and so on. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Good luck.
Set 1: EZ Bar Bicep Curls  x 1 rep
Set 2: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 2 reps
Set 3: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 3 reps
Set 4: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 4 reps
Set 5: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 5 reps
Set 6: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 6 reps
Set 7: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 7 reps
Set 8: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 8 reps
Set 9: EZ  Bar Bicep Curls x 9 reps
Set 10: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 10 reps
Set 11: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 11 reps
Set 12: EZ Bar Bicep Curls x 12 reps
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Outstanding Abs Routine

The Routine

ExerciseSets          Reps
Hanging Leg Raise420
Decline Crunch420
Decline Weighted Twist (each side)               420
Cross-Body Crunch (each side)820

неделя, 9 март 2014 г.

Want abs like this? Eat clean, and do lots of these.

How to Do It

  1. Lie on your back on the floor and raise your legs so they’re perpendicular to the floor. Extend your arms up over your chest.
  2. Crunch your torso off the floor, reaching for your feet (though your hands don’t have to touch them). Hold the top position for a second, then come back down.

Quick Tip

Perform toe-touch crunches (3–4 sets of 10–20 reps) at the end of a workout.



събота, 8 март 2014 г.


Ways to Torch Your Tri's

Have you ever seen John Cena’s triceps? Well, if you haven’t, “tiny” is not a word that would be used to describe them. And though Cena is one of the hardest working men in show biz, he’s taken a fair share of his cues from WWE coach Rob MacIntyre, CSCS. When it comes to triceps specifically, MacIntyre likes to have his clients slow things down a bit.
“I like to use slow reps when training triceps especially on the eccentric portion of the lift,” he says. “Most of the time, the athletes I work with are training triceps explosively as part of other movements. However, when it is time to be pretty and get the big guns, I like to slow the reps down for isolations exercises. It is easy to develop tendonitis by trying to use fast, explosive heavy movements during isolation work due to the stress on the elbow joint. A triceps extension with a 5-10 second eccentric phase changes the game in terms of getting a pump. If you’re new to this type of training, be careful as the triceps tend to give out suddenly.”
>> TRI THIS: Lead off your triceps routine with 3-4 sets of triceps pressdowns or skullcrushers. Select a weight you’d use for 10-12 reps but use a 5-10 second negative on each rep – followed by an explosive concentric, or positive lift – and shoot for eight solid reps. 

четвъртък, 6 март 2014 г.

Loose Belly Fat Hiding Your Abs


Of course, reducing belly fat also requires the right diet. Make sure you are getting plenty of protein, as this ensures you can produce enough testosterone and muscle. For most male bodybuilders, this should be about 180 to 200 grams each day, or a little more depending on your workout regimen. Protein shakes are a good idea as you can boost your intake without increasing calories, because these need to be reduced in order that your body will burn off the fat around your midriff. The easiest way to do this is to write down everything you eat in a typical week, and then calculate your average daily calorie intake. From this average, subtract 300 calories, which will make sure you are getting less, not more, than is needed. In addition to this, introduce a little extra cardio into your workout to ensure you are burning plenty of calories each week.
By maximizing the amount of testosterone you are producing, ensuring you are getting enough protein combined with reducing calories, you should start seeing a reduction in belly fat after just a few weeks. Once you have the definition you want, you can start to increase calories again maintain this weight, but be careful, as it is all too easy to put the fat back on again, so ensure you keep monitoring your weight and calories, and make adjustments when necessary.